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Regular services are in three different formats.  Worship service, Sunday Church School, and Prayer meeting, bible study.  Opportunity to serve, praise, learn, and share are available in each service.  Special services will be updated on the News section and on our Facebook page.  Join us on this Christian journey!
Sunday Church School

It's the time to learn more about the word of God and how to walk in the faith.  Lessons are broken into groups; pre-school, elementary, middle school, teens, and adult.


Classes are interactive, specialized, and detailed.  A mesh between written material and personal experiences.  They are held on Sunday mornings beginning promptly at 9:30 AM (before Worship Service).  


Worship Service

Promptly at 11:00 AM begins devotional/praise and worship service.  the fellowship hall, Bible Study is a carefully planned interactive expounding of bible scripture.  Be prepared to annotate, read, and converse.  We'll be looking for you!  Everyone and anyone may attend.

Wednesday Services

Prayer Meeting

The prayers of the righteous availeth much James 5:18.  During this service prayers and singing take the forefront.  Everyone is welcome to attend and participate.  Prayer meeting starts at 6:00 PM in the sanctuary.

Fellowship Dinner

Immediately following Prayer Meeting is Fellowship Dinner.  Dinner is usually prepared off-site by one of the church families and served in the fellowship hall.  All are welcome.


Bible Study

Beginning promptly at 7:00 PM in the fellowship hall, Bible Study is a carefully planned interactive expounding of bible scripture.  Be prepared to annotate, read, and converse.  We'll be looking for you!  Everyone and anyone may attend.

Thursday Services?

Choir Rehearsal

Thursdays are usually saved for choir rehearsals.  However, the changes to the schedule are usually sent to members via text or 'band app".  

 Rehearsals are the Thursday prior to the Sunday in which the choir takes the stand.


First Sunday.  Inspirational Choir

Second Sunday.  Youth Choir

Third Sunday.  Inspirational Choir

Fourth Sunday.  Men's Choir

Fifth Sunday.  Matron's Choir

All rehearsals are open and each choir is actively seeking additional members and musicians.  In other words, show, come, sing, and/or play.  

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